i was part of the holiday party too, a memoir

i was part of the holiday party too, a memoir
Small tree with lights and Teletubbies dolls

just kidding, I wasn't invited to this holiday party of realtors, but I could have pretended to be if I wanted to.

Pon Pon (25th and Walnut) with a Stem cider, with Eisbar Grauzone playing, and a bunch of people in festive apparel*. It was nice. I talked with someone named Lance in a cape-jacket? and complimented their holiday outfits and they responded that this is how they dress all the time.

It was great because if I had been invited to this company party I likely would have been some range of anxious and instead I was a bystander having a nice time in a favorite spot.

*Festive apparel:

  • a sun hat with a strand of Christmas lights
  • a sweater meant to look like a tree with lights
  • red dresses
  • some sort of light-up headband
  • laughter